Russia covid dystopia: police use taser to subdue shopper because of his face-diaper

3 years ago

In this illustration of the Russian covid dystopia, police use taser to subdue shopper because he wasn't wearing his face-diaper properly.

Russian police are nasty fellows, but this might be considered understandable because the Russian have first-hand experience with terrorism (of the pseudo-Islamic variety). We realize that to equate face-diaper misuse with terrorism is a far stretch but Russians will be Russians.

It is somewhat curious that the younger Schwarzpolizei in this incident has two weapons drawn: pepper spray in his left hand and a (yellow) taser in the other. Normally LEOs focus on one weapon only. I posit and stand to be corrected that this ambidextrous trooper is special.

The ancient Slavic mentality and code of honour comes into play when the couple is attacked. The ambidextrous trooper provokes the male by attacking first the woman. The male is forced by his ingrained code of honour to respond in kind, be damned the consequences. The situation degenerates from there until the male shopper is subdued by the two Schwarzpolizei, and the ambidextrous one uses his taser for five maybe ten seconds for the coup de grace. It is difficult to fault the male shopper for acting as he did. The only thing that might have prevented this ugly scene is if the woman had been absent, and thus the provocative event would not have occurred. Here the woman is at fault because she vocalized her displeasure and dismay causing the ambidextrous Schwarzpolizei to pepper spray her. She ought to have foreseen the consequences and let her man deal with the problem.

This underlines my contention that the best course of action in lawless times is for the womenfolk to remain housebound, and only the menfolk venture out into the marketplace. This implies a kind of devolution to a society of familial self-defence. We see familial self-defence primarily in Islamic societies such as Saudi Arabia. Yes, it is sort of a reach to blame the instantiation of the hunger games on the covid pandemic but this is my thesis and I have ample video evidence (available elsewhere) with which to support it.

Credit Instagram's @charliehughes2021 with this find.

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