With leaders like Nancy Pelosi of course America is disrespected

3 years ago

Credit Instagram's @doesnt.it.bother.you with this video grab from an early December 2021 news conference somewhere on Capitol Hill.

The star is Nancy Pelosi, who is ex-officio currently third in line of succession because she is Speaker in the House of Representatives. Her speech patterns, mostly gobbledegook interspersed with recognizable political names, resemble those of a high-functioning stroke patient who has retained adequate sensorimotor skills.

This unfortunate video will undoubtedly become grist for the meme mill, one strand of which has robots endowed with artificial intelligence used by aliens as replacement for the political foes of the memesters. It is a certainty that all robots occasionally malfunction, and thus the memesters present documentary evidence in support of their theory.

With this performance by Nancy Pelosi, it has become well-nigh impossible to reject out of hand the robot replacement meme. It frightens me that the American political machine can perpetuate in high office such defective individuals, especially as the Schwabian party have been known to stalk the halls of power.

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