Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: Vax mandates work... at forcing people to take a jab they don't want

3 years ago

Listen closely to Bourla's 'proof' that vax mandates work: before the mandate 90% of Pfizer employees were vaxxed, after the mandate 97% were vaxxed.

No mentioned of how well the injection protects them against serious disease, no mention of transmission risk, no mention of adverse effects by the jab, no mention of how well they were protected before (e.g. naturally acquired immunity), no mention of alternatives to prevent transmission (e.g. ventilation) and serious disease (e.g. early treatment with safe and effective repurposed medicines and nasal rinse), no mention of risk of vaccine resistance and vaccine enhanced disease, etc.

Vax mandates, especially for experimental products, are in direct opposition to the Nuremberg Code. They make absolutely no logical or scientific sense. Even if the vaccines do protect somewhat against serious, there are better and safer alternatives. Vax mandates are equivalent to rape by the state and companies.

The real problem is not with the unvaxxed, but with the immunocompromised, e.g. morbidly obese elderly with low vitamin D status, transplant patients, auto-immune patients, patients on chemotherapy. In these people, the vaccines don't work. In most other people, the vaccines are unnecessary, but they do expose the vaxxed to significant unnecessary risks from the jab.


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