Half-Life Liberty's Thunder Part ONE

3 years ago

LIBERTY’S THUNDER INTERNET RADIO SHOW: irreverent, relevant and radioactive American Nationalism with a bite Sunday 12 December 2021 A.D. 1800ET
Link to play live in your browser https://www.blogtalkradio.com/libert.../2021/12/12/half-life
Call in number (646) 649-1013 to listen live
The world isn’t dying, it’s being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses – Ted Kaczynski
Ain't Democracy grand, 50% + 1 of the population are vaccinated morons and now they are going to use the power of democracy to vaccinate the shit out of the sane half minus one.
In a siege, the winner is the one that can survive longer.
Remember that you are living under the authority of a military junta and an intentionally incompetent surface public regime.
Talk of democratic republic, outside of a historical sense, is not merely anachronistic; it is futile.
Adjust your attitude before you are crashed permanently.
Time is short and shorter by half.
Follow Rex on Gab: https://gab.com/Rex_Christi
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