What is IOTA (MIOTA)? | IOTA Coin Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

IOTA crypto is a next generation distributed ledger built for the Internet of Everything (IoE). Provides a feeless network for the transfer of value & data in a machine economy.

IOTA (MIOTA) - IOTA coins are typically listed on exchanges as MIOTA, which is equal to one million IOTAs. MIOTA is used to keep numbers more manageable during trading.

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The Tangle - IOTA features a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) network called The Tangle. Transactions are connected with each other (not blocks) in an overlapping manner resembling a tangled web.

No Blockchain. No Fees. - With no blocks, IOTA has no miners or fees. Each IOTA transaction validates two other transactions, overcoming the cost and scalability limits of traditional blockchains.

IoT Transactions - IOTA aims to become the leading platform for executing transactions between IoT devices. Use cases for IOTA are infinite in the new era of automation, data markets & digital trust.

Industry Solutions - IOTA allows for technological innovations in many industries, including uses in mobility, smart cities, global trade, digital identity, social impact and more.

WEBSITE: https://www.iota.org/

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