COVID, CHAOS and Mind Control - Why People Are Freaking Out

3 years ago

As yet more governments push yet more draconian 'laws' on populations, with no regard whatsoever for actual epidemiological science, we're approaching the point where - if they really want every single living person to 'take the vaccine' - they're going to have to start physically making it happen.

But those are the 'anti-vaxx rebels'; loud and growing in number though they are, they remain a minority. In the meantime most are still behaving as if they're terrified of something WAY more dangerous than Covid-19. Mass compliance and 'auto-enforcement' of COVID 'rules' show no signs of abating. We're headed for the worst-case scenario: a state of full-blown global totalitarianism.

In the first half of this NewsReal, Joe and Niall cite documented 20th century government research into 'programming people' with 'mind control techniques' through drugs, hypnotic suggestion and terrorism, to suggest what's really motivating or prompting peoples' bizarre behavior: a combination of terror of government, and terror of the wrath of Mother Nature.

In the second hour, they highlight some of the latest Covid madness, the frightful and potentially record-breaking 'super-outbreak' of tornadoes that smashed up Kentucky, and the Anglo-Americans' latest Democracyâ„¢ pow-wows regarding Russia's supposed 'barbaric invasion of Ukraine'.

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