After Refusing To Cooperate, Mark Meadows Files Lawsuit Against January 6th Committee

2 years ago

Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows has not only decided to stop cooperating with the January 6th Select Committee, but he has now filed a lawsuit against the Committee (along with naming Nancy Pelosi.) This is an absolutely insane move by Meadows, as he has no grounds whatsoever to make any claims against the Committee. They should immediately vote to hold him in contempt, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Former Trump, chief of staff, Mark Meadows filed a lawsuit this week against the January 6th select committee. Now Meadows was scheduled to come and testify on Wednesday, but it was announced on Tuesday that he was withdrawing his cooperation from the, the committee. And of course, prior to withdrawing his cooperation on Tuesday, he had already given them pretty much everything they had wanted. They have text messages, they have memos from him, outlining different scenarios of how to overturn the January or excuse me, the November election results. Like they literally already have all your crap dude. And they were giving you the opportunity to come in on Wednesday, to explain it all to maybe make it seem not as bad as it looks to everybody, but like a, you decided, Nope, I'm done cooperating. And then things got nutier because that's when he decided I'm gonna Sue you.

So he is suing Nancy Pelosi, who for the record is not on the committee and then nine other members of the committee, including Liz, Chaney and Adam Kinzinger. And as if that wasn't stupid enough, here's what the lawsuit says. Meadow's lawyers said the select committee does not have the authority to issue the subpoenas directed at him or obtain his phone records from a third party. And that president Biden's refusal to a assert executive privilege opens constitutional questions. That should be decided through legal action. No, no, none of that is true. Listen, Mark Meadows hate ya, bud. By the way, before I give you this advice, your lawyers seem very bad at their job to me. Um, I don't wanna accuse them of anything, but if I'm reading what they're saying here in their arguments, I'm led to believe that these people are fleeing you just so they can charge you a lot of money, because what they're saying, aren't actually things, those aren't things, mark meadow, that you can challenge in court, Meadows, not meadow.

Um, you, you might wanna get a refund from these lawyers before they continue to charge you and take away all those earnings you just got from that wonderful book you've written because they're gonna do it. You're getting screwed here because these are the dumbest legal arguments I've ever heard. They don't have the power to subpoena me. They literally have subpoena power. Like you can't fight that. You can't say you can't do this because they specifically can do it. That's a part of the constitution. There's no legal argument to be made here. There's no court case that needs to be had. Like that's literally a thing they can do. And if your lawyers told you that, Hey, maybe they can't. Then you're getting fleeced. My friend and we're not friends. Sorry. I even said that as for the, oh, we're suing Biden for not claiming executive privilege.

You can't You can't do that. You can't just Sue a president because you're off that he didn't do anything. I mean, hell if that's the case, we're gonna go ahead and file suit against him for not can all student loan debt for not decriminalizing marijuana and expunging, all marijuana arrest records. Like what, what is wrong with you, Mark Meadows? Not that it matters. Do whatever you want, man. I hope these lawyers charge you hundreds of thousands of dollars to file this knowingly frivolous lawsuit. And that's you lose everything. You lose your money, you lose your legal arguments and eventually you lose your freedom cuz you go to jail for contempt of Congress. That is what I wish upon you. This holiday season, Mark Meadows for being such a complete and utter idiot to.

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