20211213 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Monday, day 638 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
At least four states have called in the National Guard to deal with healthcare staffing issues, most, if not all, after firing staff who refused the vaccine.
The XO of the USS Winston Churchill, Commander Kins, was relieved of duty on Friday for failure to follow orders. What order? To be vaccinated or regularly tested for the Wuhan Flu. That's right, a career officer and second in command of a US warship was fired over the vaccine.
Reuters reports that 800,000 people have died of the Wuhan Flu. 450,000 of those since Biden took office this year with three vaccines available. Where is the outrage over mismanagement? Oh yeah, the media hasn't been telling you to be mad.
Find more common sense applied to politics at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.

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