i intend to be the last non-cyborg standing (ag standup)

3 years ago

holy water for the degenerates
comedy copper more than likely
they're laughing at nothing
a parade on mental illness not entirely devoted to homosexuality
i would make the schizophrenia float, i wouldn't go
last xmas i gave you my heart...simple solution: give it to Jesus this time
Jesus will not forsake you!
every day is halloween in america, xmas every day w/ jesus (message, says chef greg)
no no no wouldn't rip out a potential baby
maybe this time i won't suffocate (in relationship)
big ole brain gives em a boner, down boy
mark schmuckerberg is finally opening up about what he's been doin this whole time
a lotta people are competing for God's position
more questions i wish people would ask me
sooooo outta touch w/ reality, these luddites
siri hung herself on that anti-depressant
ronnit got that last joke, that was it
tyler is sorry that he is making me leave
a brand of comedy you won't see anywhere
ag meows

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