God is willing to turn Himself into a pretzel for the likes of us

3 years ago

spotted doing God's will
i ran as fast as i could
the "projects" of spring hill (the suburbs ain't the same)
shit, i need to go fix that (damn ocd)
in case you didn't know i am a crazy person
trying to save people's souls is crazy apparently
i hate people driving around making this so awkward for me
i have way more signs to make
glad i decided to do this now
i need to stop reading revelations
walking before God in the light of the living
God is doin His little twirlie
if God were a stripper
i confuse the masses everywhere i go
weird to see someone walking around with a camcorder at near midnight
i give a fuck about the right thing, damnit
normal people stuff, not so much
we have the Lord's protection, what can flesh do unto me
fiona is waiting, patiently (confused and probably annoyed)
i'm sure that all the black people will love that sign
doin the Lord's work is so exciting tho
i saw a cop and hid in the grass
love. peace. joy.
delapiDated amy
my town is so pretty right now
muslims don't believe Jesus was the Son of God
a lotta people in gen don't believe that
unlike Jesus, amy is very dirty
Jesus doesn't need a shower, but ag typically does

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