How to make Diorama Trees from Sawdust or Leather Dust. Diorama Rocks bushes flowers & grass tufts

3 years ago

Make realistic miniature diorama trees and roots, rocks, grass, bushes, flowers, and more out of leather dust or sawdust. Great for model railroads. The techniques can be adapted to any scale model size. The kit may be purchased through my Etsy shop (link below). Choose from either leather dust, or sawdust, and from the base kit, or full kit. You'll also pick from 5 different colors of trees. Many of the techniques in this video I used to make my large diorama piece "The Narrows". I have a video showing some of the processes of that as well. Even if you don't get the materials through me feel free to tag me in posts or send pictures, I like to see what people come up with using these techniques.

Do as much or as little of the techniques shown in the video. This is a surprisingly easy project. One of my daughters made one when she was 9 that looks amazing. However, adult supervision is required.
While the time stamps can be very useful for finding steps, their will be
information on various other steps and bonus techniques throughout the
video. It would be beneficial to watch the video all the way through first,
and while your working on your diorama.
Prepping the base: 2:26
Mixing paint into dust for the canopy: 3:08
Forming Rocks: 3:49
Forming wire roots and attaching to base method 1, Staple gun: 7:50
Forming wire roots and attaching to base method 2, Two part epoxy: 12:07
Forming wire roots and attaching to base method 3, Standard glue: 14:57
Touching up the wire roots: 16:44
Forming wire canopy example 1: 17:37
Forming wire canopy example 2: 29:29
Second coat of paint in canopy dust: 37:54
Dust for bark and ground cover, spray adhesive method: 39:05
Dust for bark and ground cover, standard glue method: 41:28
Sculpting roots and ground: 43:04
Bonus step, making a knot: 43:57
Making ground cover colors: 46:10
Flower colors: 47:01
Making the wool canopy: 47:20
Making tufts of grass and flower bases: 54:20
Brown wash for bark and ground: 55:45
Two ways to apply ground cover: 58:12
Preparing rocks after they dry: 1:01:44
Applying "leaves" to the canopy: 1:03:09
Creating flowers from the grass: 1:08:13
Cleaning up the ground: 1:12:21
Color washes on rocks: 1:13:35
Optional washes on ground: 1:17:24
Creating bushes: 1:19:34
Dry brushing roots and tree: 1:21:43
Dry brushing moss: 1:25:34
Gluing bushes to the ground: 1:26:32
Putting moss on rocks and gluing to ground: 1:29:11
Gluing grass and flowers to ground: 1:34:06
Dry brushing highlights onto bushes: 1:38:10
Adding short grass texture: 1:39:27
Patch of purple clovers: 1:40:04
Making gravel and small rocks: 1:41:18
Dry brushing and finishing rocks: 1:47:39
Creating iridescence, veins, and shiny rocks: 1:51:23

Base kit includes:
-Random shaped wood base approximately 5"x7" (13cm x 18cm) and 4 small feet for underneath.
-Natural fibers and grasses like boars hair for making tufts of grass and flowers.
-Spray bottle.
-Paint. (International packages will not contain paint. However, shipping will be free)
-Chose from leather dust, or sawdust (may contain small traces of glue and/or paint).

The Full Kit comes with everything the Base Kit does plus:
-Two small mixing cups.
-Paint tray.
-Paint brushes.
-Masking tape.

For more Leather Working Patterns, Tools, Supplies, & Custom Art, go to my Esty shop:

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Thank you to the "Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal" for sponsoring my
channel. If you haven't checked out their publication or been to any of their shows, I highly recommend going to their web page and checking those out! To get an extra issue added to your "Leather Crafters Journal" magazine subscription, use my initials TAB for the promotional code!
Here's the link to their website:
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Under no circumstances will the video creator be responsible for damages, or anything else resulting from injury or otherwise. Use at your own risk.
This disclosure lets users know that anything that happens after following advice or using creators videos, patterns, or tools, on this channel
or anywhere else, is the responsibility of the viewer. This video content and patterns have been made available for informational and educational purposes only.

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