Dr Tammy LIFE magazine 1966, Viruses = chemicals = Model, Mask Earrings for Christmas

3 years ago

Alaska Airlines banned list, can’t go inside Bartell pharmacy, booted from doctors office, treated like garbage at the hospital, kicked out of the Federal post office, put under investigation by the Washington Medical Commission, kicked out of True Value Hardware, escorted out of CHASE Bank

Because Masks don’t prevent COVID-19
They cause it

You don’t need videos, TickTock ridiculousness, the millionth document showing all the diseases

It’s on the side of the damn box
The instructions will hold up in any court of law

A one-line defense

You just stand up & lead in the front of the children

You need to show them through example that you’re not scared of taking off a thin piece of paper from your face
And that you will protect them, because this is about them
If you wear a mask sometimes? You make my job harder
And you are pro-child abuse by your “example”

I could use a little help out here please


~Dr Tammy

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