The 2022 Election The Plebes Payback

3 years ago

The 2022 Election The Plebes Payback

Hillary said recently that America is finished if we don’t get the next two elections right. I was shocked I actually agreed with that statement. That instantly reminded me of something. A stopped civy clock is right twice a day, if it is the clock of the Constitutional enforcers it is only correct once a day, but the clock Hillary probably prefers runs backwards because it’s a bar clock, the numbers may be the same essentially but it like the radical left is out of sync with the rest of the country. There is a reason for that and I’ll explain it.

When a group of people lie to outsiders on a regular basis they are forced to have circles they can safely speak in. Most of the people call those echo chambers. That is how a narrative arc is protected in Marxism. If the participants are so used to lying with impunity they start to forget the rest of us who are aware of them. I’ve always had an unwritten rule about dealing with liars and generally dishonest people. Once they reach a certain age they won’t change. They’ve made a choice and will double down when challenged as many of us have noticed lately. Because of that I never let them know what they did that got them caught. The reason I do that is that I don’t want them to get any better at their craft. That being said we’re at a point now where we can safely talk about it. It is time.

Generally speaking, the left thinks it’s their job to get us to hate ourselves and feel guilty. Try harder! That’s not going to work for anyone that thinks. It is summed up nicely in an old Chinese proverb; “To those who feel, life is a tragedy. To those who think, life is a comedy.” That is why one side has a sense of humor and the other doesn’t. A sense of humor is a critical survival tool it allows one to step back and think. It is a brief disconnect. I’ve learned to not trust humorless people. Did anyone notice the way SNL became very unfunny and bitter at the same time? That’s a warning sign. There have been others one that really made me laugh was Jen Psaki saying plandemic instead of pandemic. Things such as that occur when there’s zero discipline in a group of people.

Now let’s get to the funny part. The left had a color revolution, which is a kind of bloodless coup. It was allowed because Trump was concerned about the optics if he did what was needed. I think everyone is seeing what happens when one fails to directly attack an issue. It just gets worse. Had he used the insurrection act to stop the crime in the streets in blue cities the left would have used their old short bus honk to rile their minions as they called it tyrannical overreach. I said Short, bus honk because Trump supposedly has a dog whistle for his followers. It’s getting close to Christmas I wanted to give them something they’d appreciate.

Seriously I think just about everybody learned what they needed to learn during the lockdowns and actually had the time to slow down and be shocked about where we are heading as a nation. There are two trains now the one with the short bus honk that leads to a gulag or the Trump train that leads to freedom. There is a quick path to correcting what’s wrong right now. We win the next midterm election hands down and elect Trump to be the next speaker of the house. I seriously want to see Pelosi have to deal with that. What a sight that will be if we do this. Next, we impeach the entire administration on all of the counts we can and toss them. The Speaker of the house moves up to where he should have been all along. The rest get to wear orange. When the leftists decide to push back and refuse to accept the change, they get reminded of the number of new gun owners they’ve created with their indecent behavior.

One thing I’ve noticed that gets left out of the new election law changes is traceability of adjudicated ballots. Anytime the subject comes up it becomes a sticking point that is quickly piled on with redirects and threats. The case usually made is that ballots aren’t supposed to be traced back to the voter. That’s true, but that’s not what needs to be fixed. Dominion voting machines are designed to generate a lot of ballots that need to be adjudicated. The way it works these days is chain of custody is lost the moment they adjudicate a ballot. Nobody has any idea who did what to that ballot and it is never tied back to the original regarding who did what etc. That has to change. Ballots and elections are a matter of national security and getting it wrong intentionally is treason. If you’re going to do that job your work will be traceable back to you. I had a job where that happened all of the time. Honest people don’t mind that if there’s a reason for it. Turn the lights on and the cockroaches will run. Only honest people will be willing to do this job if the proper constraints are put in place. Get out there and make it happen.

This is a link to a search on requirements to be a Speaker of the House. Read them and smile. Adam Schiff, you need to sit down and shut it!
Have a nice day!

This link deals with the NGO’s run by oligarchs that are trying to take over everything.

This is an article from Time Magazine where they explained how they pulled off the cheat.

Even the FBI is now admitting there was no organized insurrection. So surprising.

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