The Origins of Religion - Nicklas B. Failla

3 years ago

Throughout the ancient stories of humanity; plants and fungi have been used as a source to contact the divine reals by Shaman and Priest alike. These experiences are often potent enough to form Mystics, Prophets, Spiritual Gurus, and even gods. Psychotropic substances in the modern era have been virtually demonized and condemned by most members of society or labeled as recreational by others - leaving any claims to a spiritual connection castrated at the thesis statement. Scholars fear tackling this subject by reality of being ostracized from peers and/or banished by the Church if not outright imprisoned by the state.

Holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Holy Communion, and Marriage all appear to have their roots in the experience that Christ is centered upon; Sacred Psilocybin Mushrooms. This author takes a deeper look into the myths, artwork, and stories that surround religions and breaks down how each individual can come into direct communication with “the Divine” by instituting the true Holy Blessed Sacrament.

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