Brave or Coward

3 years ago

I was thinking what is Brave and What is Cowardly.

Our National Anthem came to mind.

To be very clear..
This is for ALL Americans Everywhere around the World.

God bless you all!

Soil Born does not mean squat.
Matter of fact, we need to clean house of our ingrates..

Don't know how.. but they are a disease to God's given Freedom.

So, I was thinking of you all who have your own Nations and the United States also.

Great Patriots All.

I am interested in what you all believe is the difference between Bravery and Cowardice.

It is a critical time for everyone around the World to decide what they are going to do.

And, how committed they will be.

Time is so short.

Thank you all.

I have my own views, but this is your place.

I may join in later.

God bless you and your loved ones.

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