3 years ago

One of the most powerful things that you can do is to notice something about someone that they did not notice about them self

This brings awareness and when we have awareness, we are able to change

Two of my powerful insights were made aware to me from my parents. They made me realise something that I had not realised myself

- When I first started to record videos, my mum made me aware of how often I said um throughout. At first I thought her comment was harsh, but I soon realised how much I did this and I had to correct myself quite regularly going forward.

Ever since that moment I made a more conscious effort to correct this

A year later I was going through my website copy with them and they soon highlighted the amount of negative words that were used. Replacing the negative with the opposite instantly changed the feel of my message

Going through our words one by one is a powerful exercise as it clearly highlights how subconscious we are when we type and speak, it is automatic

There are many people in our lives that have triggered us.

If we are able to zoom out and take a step back, would it be because they have made us aware of something about ourselves that we were unaware of? When deep down we know it was true?

Often these people are our biggest teachers in life

If you would like to bring more awareness to your life to your life and make some big changes, book in for a 30 minute call with me with the link in my bio

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