World Human Rights Day - SPH Lawsuit (PHC/OSS 24/2021) Update

3 years ago

Please sign the petition to ask SPH to apologise and terminate Ms Salma Khalik's employment.

In Salma Khalik's Affidavit, they declared the following statement to be "not a statement of facts";

1) "Only fair to protect vulnerable in S'pore against Covid-19 spread by unvaccinated people" - Ms Salma Khalik

2) "People who are not vaccinated face a much higher risk of getting infected and spreading the disease" - Ms Salma Khalik

Does it mean that Ministry of Health is also stating statement of opinion?

How about the ministers? are they stating statement of opinion or statement of fact?

World Human Rights Day 世界人权日 10/12/2021
Healing The Divide 弥合分歧

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