Escaping Communism Seminar - The Victims of Socialism - George Harbison

2 years ago

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Youtube has censored this from the very youth who desperately need to hear this asap. Our educational system has convinced the young that socialism/communism is a utopia...we have to reverse this educational damage asap.

We have collectively failed our youth we must make amends. Many people have the time and resources to arrange meetings of youth to share this video...make it a time of awakening for them because most are extremely discouraged and feeling hopeless.

Get to those school board meetings and raise hell about the transgender/LGBTQ/forced vaccine/ special interest indoctrination by socialist teachers and school boards -- even if you have no school-age children.

Call a communist a communist out a traitor a traitor out loud. It is when they are exposed for grooming our children for the sex trade and communism, that we stand a chance to reverse the hell we are headed for.

Please do what you can to organize showings of this to young High School and College kids asap. Get them out of the public school system asap if you possibly can...before they turn against you as well. They are our only hope for getting our country back.

If you think this does not apply to Canada, think again. The government has been openly following the communist playbook to the letter since 1964 -- what do you think the removal of gun rights is about, what the poisoning of our food and drinking water is about, why young people will never own a home, why the elderly were killed off during the COVID hoax, why the government has unleashed endless numbers of ways to take control of private property, why Chinese-controlled detention centres are being erected all across Canada in secret? ...please do your part now to get the youth involved.

The UN has told us for over 30 years what they plan for us 'useless eaters'. The UN is nothing but a reconstitution of the Nazi (nazi is short for National Socialism) regime and we are looking at irreversible destruction of our small population here in Canada. Our military has been decimated and they are killing off our veterans (who do know how to fight) on the streets by the millions. Our country is led by confirmed pedophiles and criminals, blackmailed and bribed by the UN and Chinese Communist Party that are in partnership to install world communism. In fact, our governments at all levels are run by UN appointees and all municipal mayors are members of the world government.

Pray that the USA does not fall. The BLM and Antifa have openly stated they are Marxist and trained to install communism. They are funded by admitted globalist communists.

It was a socialist party in Canada that installed our socialist healthcare system. Today it is killing millions under the pretext of 'medical treatment' and 'preventative medicine' and the communism controlling our healthcare system is seen now in the forced vaccination mandates and deliberate killing of the elderly, and now children by vaccine (gene-editing).

The detention of perfectly healthy individuals is exactly what the regimes in this video did...they used all sorts of excuses as well.

It is no accident that the massive healthcare system we paid decades of taxes for, will not treat even the most routine of issues at the hospitals...resulting in death by neglect (euthanasia) of tens of thousands of Canadians.

It matters not what side of the fence you are regarding Big Pharma vaccines. What matters is that you realize it is no longer remotely satisfactory to just put smart comments on Facebook or share videos.

They are coming for you too, whether you want to admit it or not.

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