What Else Are They Lying About?

3 years ago

In this video, in the wake of the great Covid lie, I ask the uncomfortable question of other Grand Narratives we are supposed to accept but are false, or misleadingly half true.


* The media industrial complex is tied together by reciprocal connections between Hollywood and Washington, between the 3 letter government agencies and local TV news producers and advertisers.

* You and I are constantly living as objects of psychological warfare.

* When you stick your neck out and challenge any of the Grand Narratives you are instantly branded as a “conspiracy theorist.”

* The phrase “conspiracy theorist” was invented by the CIA after World War II as part of Operation Mockingbird to neutralize opposition to government policies and covert ops they want to stay hidden.

* Previous lies: Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gun nut who shot a crappy Mannlicher-Carcano rifle through thousands of leaves of the tree overlooking Elm Street in Dealey Plaza, to assassinate President Kennedy.

* President Ngo Dien Diem was being a crazy dictator (who by the way was assassinated on November 2, 1963 after morning Mass on the Feast of All Souls, by the same cabal that killed fellow Catholic President Kennedy two weeks later.)

* The sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967 was just a dumb Israeli-UN Navy mistake. Ooops, sorry.

* Well, you see, 19 Muslim hijackers who trained on a single CESSNA engine Cessna then stepped into the massive flight 767 deck of Boeing 757 and 767 to commit mass murder.

* Anything that is sold and marketed 24/7 by the same media industrial complex that pummels us with the Covid-19 Grand narrative HAS to be questioned.

* Media lies stoke irrational fears, regardless of how unlikely or unprovable the threat (sic): the population bomb myth, the myth of the Coming Ice Age, the myth of widespread heterosexual AIDS, Ebola, SARSCov 1, West Nile virus, Zika virus (remember the tiny heads?), global warming -- ooops, I mean climate change, H1N1 Swine flu, Avian flu, MERS, murder hornets....all the way to SARS-Cov 2.

* As every tyrant knows, the more fearful the populace, the easier they are to manage.

* We must stop being afraid and start using the mental muscle God gave us.

* The only person who can get to the bottom of what's going on in this world is YOU, by YOUR own research, and YOUR discernment.

* The late great Jim Rohn wrote: "if you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”


* The Patrick Coffin Show podcast on faith and culture—and punching the Covid tyranny in the face—drops every Tuesday. www.patrickcoffin.media/show

* Check out Coffin Nation, the largest online community in the world devoted to culture restoration. www.coffinnation.com

* Get the facts about the Great Reset at the Truth Over Fear summit. www.restoretheculture.com

See you there.

Four episode docuseries on the sinking of the USS Liberty:

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