Scuba Diving Wrecks in Tobermory, Georgian Bay

3 years ago

Cold water Scuba Dive, diving wrecks in Tobermory, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Three cold water Wreck Scuba Dives in one day, at 60 feet depth the water temperature was 6 degrees celsius in Tobermory, Ontario, a peninsula between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. We wore a full 7mm wet suite, with a 5mil shorty on top fo that. Full hood, gloves and boots! It actually felt good until we hit 60 feet! Then you felt the cold! We dove 60 year old tugs in the Tobermory harbour.

Our second dive was a 1867 250+ foot sailing vessel called s/v Kings, this ship was built with 560 tons of wood, then we dove a 200 foot tug which was towing the s/v King when they both sang. Watch the video to hear the full story! We dove with Divers Den, highly recommend them! That is Alex my son in the preview!

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