GoodBye, CommieTown. GoodBye, Washington.

3 years ago

I'm leaving, by choice, the most beautiful place on planet earth: the Pacific Northwest just north of Seattle, WA.

The Communists have destroyed the State, and it's getting worse. Soon, neighbors will come for neighbor to put us into the Coof Camps.

The Seattle communist Sawanttttt has just stolen another election; the slave muzzle mandate will be permanent; the mandates to get the shot will be enforced by the tyrannical rule followers who "just want to keep their jobs."

A patriot can no longer live here in good conscience.

Praise God that I live in a Republic.

I'm moving to Free America as soon as my feet can get there.

Pray for those who cannot leave WA. There are reasons, and it is a very difficult time for us all.

Many have not seen the consequences of communism, and don't get a feel for it from the history books. I've seen it, and cannot abide the results.

Goodbye, CommieTown. Goodbye to my home State.

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