Join the CSPOA and get your Sheriff to join too! This is how we take back the US

3 years ago

The PEOPLE run this country! NOT corrupt politicians!
Everyone needs to build a relationship with their County Sheriff!

When you have a government gone Tyrant, there is a way to deal with them LAWFULLY! Your Sheriff is elected by THE PEOPLE and he works for the people!

Government has tried to take law enforcement out of the hands of the people, but our founders were no dummies! Your Sheriff has the Constitutional Authority to make arrests and to deputize citizens should he need to!

Our country is under threat by Criminals, criminals who need to be arrested! Organize your community and speak to your Sheriff about this program! It's back to the basics folks!

100 years ago the Sheriff was the go to Law Enforcer!

If he had some nasty criminals to deal with he'd deputize the citizens and form a posse and go get them! And he still can!

We've got to activate our communities and work with our Sheriffs to put down #Corruption and #Tyranny in this country!

And we CAN do just that! Sometimes you get organized tyrants peppered throughout your government, and they are in control of the State Police, which is why the state police are not really Constitutional.

Politicians do NOT control your County Sheriff! He works for the PEOPLE! So if these Tyrants need to be removed, we may have to build a posse and REMOVE THEM!

We have out of control government trying to drive us off of a cliff, well sorry Traitors, it does NOT work that way! It's time to actually DEFEND OUR FREEDOM! And lock up bad guys!

George #Soros was pretty thorough when he funded the election of these tyrants to our government, but he was NOT as smart as our founders!

PLEASE go watch the long version of this video and share it! But above all, get down to your Sheriff's Office and speak to him about joining the CSPOA!

Once we put this threat down we need to maintain that relationship with our Sheriffs! Your Sheriff should be your neighbor and friend! because if he is not, your community is not as strong as it should be!

Here's a link to the long version:

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