Overturning Roe V. Wade | Guest: UnAborted host Seth Gruber

3 years ago

Pastor Rick Brown sat down with pro-life advocate and UnAborted podcast host, Seth Gruber, to discuss overturning Roe V. Wade. Could it be true?

The same way that slavery was abolished. We will not relent in seeing abortion become a pariah in our society, something to be shunned. Jesus came to give life and life abundantly. At Liberty Station, we are pursuing promoting life from the womb to the tomb. Regardless of how a child is conceived, no child is a criminal. They don't deserve to die a criminal's death.

Don't miss this opportunity to listen in, friends. I know you'll be encouraged!

Seth Gruber is a professional public speaker focused on equipping Christians and pro-life advocates to make a gracious, winsome, and persuasive case of their pro-life beliefs in the public square. While not shying away from the moral question of abortion, his approach focuses on giving you the tools you need to effectively and lovingly engage your co-workers, friends, and family members on the issue of abortion.

UnAborted with Seth Gruber : https://www.sethgruber.com

Links to resources

Watch Pastor Rick Brown live Saturdays at 6pm: pastorrickbrown.com

Anchored in the Word Bible reading plan: https://pastorrickbrown.com/reading-plan/

Healed and Set Free ...from past hurts by Tammy Brown: https://tammybrown.org

Seek First with Rick Brown podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ryzHPLzLRxeUJqNNhGTOP

Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/pastorRickBrownTeaching: https://pastorrickbrown.com/teachings/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcHUllgE__IXslXvGyxvNA

Church Leadership Consulting: https://kingdom-x.org

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