Defending the Republic, the bizarre world of the self serving medical establishment and COVIDvaccine

3 years ago

Turn away from bad, do good, and live free. Don’t give into the fear, don’t isolate yourself from the people love and don’t take the poison death shot, you should be on safe antiviral prophylaxis with Zinc, Vitamin D, and always start treatment aggressively in a few days. We’ve lost the trust of the country and the world because of how we handled the pandemic and the medical community will forever be tarnished. We could use a lot of love and light in this crazy world. Most people have already had COVID but the thing is that after you get sick, you now have a robust immune system that will prevent you from reinfection and even if you have a comorbidity the cures are out there, you don’t need to inject yourself every 6 months. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, we can reject this crazy world of the mainstream propaganda, let us come together to create a REAL reality where our clinicians aren’t beholden to federal entities and medical corporations. There are treatments out there to COVID-19 that don’t require an invasive vaccine that doesn’t even work. There is so much out there you only have to know where to look. I believe that we will do better, we can do better, we must do better.
We are not faulting the pharmaceutical industries for their aggressive push to sell their vaccine. On the other hand, we are faulting the mainstream media for parroting nontechnical matters and nonsense. They have an obligation to thoroughly understand their topics, they’ve failed on both counts but the lion share of the blame goes to the medical establishment who have misled government agencies and abdicated science in favor of promoting big pharmaceutical companies. This is all at the expense of the public with which they are statutory obligated to protect. Some citizens hesitate to criticize the medical establishment but remember you have every right to criticize the bureaucracies that should be protecting you.
What if the medical establishment is wrong? What if they knew there were safe and effective treatments? What if they had the answers this whole time? Shouldn’t we be following the science?

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