Project Zomboid - Season 02 Episode 03 - This is How Rand Died

3 years ago

In this episode, Rand discovers a car garage and that's not all (don't get excited. I just mean zombies)!

Follow what is left of Rand's life and discover how Rand Hutchinson dies.


The game is Project Zomboid (I hope that is obvious). The custom world is set 6 months after everything went down. Water and electricity are off (no TV!). XP is set to 3x and zombies count is insane. They are all only shamblers (it's 6 months in, c'mon!). Time passes at real time.

I use the following mods:

more recipes
Repair Any Clothes
Mod Options (Build 41)
Recraft Your Tools
Spears: Twine and Leather Binding, Chipped Stone Spearheads
Fuel Side Indicator
Weapon Condition Indicator
Spiffo Backpacks
Make Woodglue
Bow and Arrow
Extra Skills System IWBUMS
Profession Framework Build 41 Patch
Homemade Saw (Build 41.54)
Subpar Survivors
Superb Survivors!
Fort Redstone, KY (Build 41)
Vehicle Recycling
Improved Build Menu [Build 41]
Knox Country Map - Lootable Map Item of Whole Game World
Brita's Armor Pack
Reading is not boring. (for Build 41)
Recycle And Reuse Almost Everything [B41]
Better Sorting
Minimal Display Bars
Tailoring Fix
Scrap Weapons!
Kitsune's Crossbow Mod
Cremation - Corpse Disposal
Scrap Guns
Lockpicking! Just. Lockpicking. [41.56]
Silencer / Suppressor Mod (Build 41)

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