Breed of pug puppy.

3 years ago

Breed of pug puppy.
If you are looking for a super canine companion, the pug is a great choice. Affectionate, it loves to sit on your lap and spend time with your family. After all, the wrinkled-faced breed is the type that is eager to please, learn, and love and will always want to be around.
History:The origins of the pug, one of the oldest dog breeds, go back to Han Dynasty China in pre-Christian times. The dogs belonged to the emperors and lived surrounded by lux, with guard and everything!
Dutch traders took the credit for introducing this breed to the world: first in Holland itself, and then in England, where it also fell to the monarchy's liking and was given the name Pug.
Only two colors of pug are officially recognized, black and the variations of the apricot shade (from light beige to darker). However, it is possible to find silver, white, chocolate and even brindle pugs, besides albinos. The ears and the muzzle should be black.
Care Inside the home: it is the ideal place for a pug, since the breed does not react well to sudden changes in temperature or excessive heat or cold.
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