Rabbi Michael Barclay: His war against Covid lockdowns & encroaching left wing authoritarianism. The AJ Steel Show

3 years ago

Rabbi Barclay joins AJ Steel for an honest, no holds barred interview. The show covers the Rabbi's struggles against religious lockdowns, ugly attacks against him from liberal Jews, and the amazing support he received from many Christian churches. He explains why controversial congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn't wrong when she compared vaccine cards to the Nazi Yellow Star, while he highlights some incredibly eerie parallels between 1930's Germany and 2021 America. This is one episode you don't want to miss!
Rabbi Michael Barclay is the founder of Temple Ner-Simcha in Southern California. He is a frequent contributor to the popular conservative web site PJ Media, and has been a featured guest on the Savage Nation with Michael Savage. https://www.nersimcha.org

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