(E4) Magician 250, Blades first time offroad. Some new back roads n stuff

7 years ago

Just a fun cruise with the CRF250L and the Magician
All Current links here:

Blade breaks his cherry going offroad with the Magician, exploring a few back roads we've never been on before. Went through Gaylordsville and kent. Saw an abandoned boat, stopped at a lake for a breather. Good time!

WHERE TO BUY PARTS LIST (www.MotoCheez.com for all parts links):
Nothing this video

2016 Honda CRF250L
So far I've added the EJK, Knobby tires, modded the exhaust and the airbox.. Stock this bike was pretty lame power wise, but it is the cheapest brand name 250 dual-sport enduro you can buy.

Due to changing products, links, etc, If you want the most recent product links, go to www.motocheez.com and click the vehicle you're looking for (upper right).
This keeps the links for all the parts more accurate. These I use and install on ALL my videos. I do not sell any of the items listed. (except key tags T-shirt once I make them)

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memes and credits: South Park, slingblade, idiocracy, thug, scumbag steve, bugs bunny
Music clips: move bitch

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