Amsterdam Ghost Stories : MONTELBAANSTOREN

3 years ago

The Ghost stories of Amsterdam I take a look at the most haunted , Montelbaan Tower / Montelbaanstoren. This Dark Tower built approx 1516 was a defence and look out across the Eastern Docks to protect from aggressive pirates and provinces. The local legend tells that a family met their tragic end in the tower and are doomed to repeat their last fatal moments on 2nd June every year. Lets reveal more secrets of the City.

I hope you like my little funny video and there will be more to come, so please subscribe, like and comment if you with to join me for more secrets and stories for Amsterdam city.

The myth and ghost stories can be found on many sources and peoples, but one source is the iAmsterdam city website. If you believe the myth or not, it's a beautiful tower and a wonderful piece of historic Amsterdam.

I hope you like my fun series.

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