Here are THE CRIMINALS OF COVID 19 - Its time to take them down

2 years ago

THE CRIMINALS OF COVID 19 - Its time to take them down

How many more children have to die and be permanently damaged before our cowardly corrupt FBI Director will pry his head out of the Jewish banking cartel's ass he's obviously rammed it up into and close in on this crime and its criminals? It's not as if the covid criminals haven't left a paper trail for all to see. Its not as if half the American population isn't staring directly at the documented, verified criminality of Fauci, Baric, Daszek, Gates, Wollensky, and the rest of the criminals.

Its all there to see - right in plain sight!

It seems the "Leadership" is focused on distractions like their favorite boogyman the dreaded white supremacists (that they operate) while their Jewish Supremacist banking cartel masters strip the assets of this country and imperil the lives of our people.

How much more damage to this world has occur before people like that scumbag Christopher Wray becomes personally culpable for these crimes against humanity he refuses to acknowledge exist.

So called Viruses are by products of diseased tissues. (Exosomes)
They are cellular debris.
We have been tricked into thinking they are the cause of disease,
so we 'combat' them by injecting ourselves with synthetic chemicals,
which ironically leads to more diseased tissue and more so called viruses(exosomes)

Harry Vox - Unsafe Space

original channel :News paradigm

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