Biden Weakness Leads to Global Chaos

2 years ago

Catastrophic American Weakness: Russia Masses @ Ukraine as China Plans Taiwan Invasion

If Putin invaded Ukraine as China overwhelms Taiwan, would it explain why only 22% of Dems want Biden to run again? His unmitigated failures embarrass moderate Dems and ruin their chances for a dynasty. The single most trenchant characteristic of leftism is advocacy and implementation of catastrophic policies. Whether this disastrous habit derives from a lack of logic, historic ignorance or an instinct towards suicide is an open question. But the sadly predictable results of Biden's conjuring weakness have now metastasized into several colossally dangerous international crises. Russia has massed thousands of troops to invade Ukraine as China tweaks plans to conquer Taiwan. Does ol' Joe, who has the intellect and persona of a major league mascot, have any future in office?

Biden 22% Approval: Dems Scoff at Wisdom as Town Dunce Joe Trapped in National Outhouse

Given the massive number of avoidable American crises non-existent during Trump's reign, lets assume all is meant by design. So what do leftists gain from sabotaging the US? As Marxists, they must seek world socialism. But what happens if, along the way – a genuine 3rd world war emerges from their actions? Could this not destroy half the world on the way to global communism? The seem blissfully unconcerned. But why?

In fact, more than any other secular world movement, socialists believe in a foregone conclusion. Recall, this is not Christianity's Apocalypse, delivered by God. Instead, without any divine intervention, progressives have faith in a global outcome based upon Mystic Marxism. This means liberals remarkably believe the universe is driven by Marx's claims. Recall that Karl's Communist Manifesto was short on actual details. Instead, it offers the observation that the cosmos is self-motivated by socialist ideals of materialistic justice. Given Marx's messianic claims and prophet's moxie, what he taught is that if one assembles the right parts, these will animate towards utopia.

This fatalistic theory of human history is remarkable. First, despite Marx's demand religion be destroyed, his beliefs are transparently borrowed from the Bible. It's a world turning on justice, where the strong prey on the weak. A godless power, be it either the hope of the credulous or the inerrant impulse of the universe, will overcome usury and greed, and free the masses from the slavery of property. An international revolution will animate workers to arise and destroy the bondage of their masters.

In the essay, Marx and the Problem of Causation, is recounted Sidney Hook's devastating criticism of Marx's Historical Materialism, a critique of economic determinism. Hook explains how truly inadequate Marx's theory was in explaining cause and change. So, whatever Marx imagined about the world becoming socialist, it was not persuasive since it depended upon magic, aka Mystic Marxism.

But as none of Marx's mystic philosophy is true, should we just sit back and watch as his blind followers drive us all into penury, bondage or war? For those Christians out there, this cannot be an option. For the Just are meant to resist the agents of darkness, aka Babylon – the great humanistic conspiracy to fit all men for slavery. Fiat Lux!

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