Cursed be the Ground - lord Goose

2 years ago

Cursed be the Ground - lord Goose

full album:


Cursed be the Ground

The Lord formed man from dust of the ground
breathed life into his nostrils
and Man became a living being
God planted a garden east in Eden

The Lord Commanded the man, of every tree
In the garden you may freely eat
But the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil, don’t try
For the day that you eat or it, you shall surely die

God caused Adam to sleep so he slept
He took one of his ribs and closed up his flesh
[And] the rib which the Lord had taken from man,
He made into a woman, and Adam said

This is now bone of my bone
Flesh of my flesh, She’ll be called woman

Man’ll leave his parents, unit to his wife, they
Both were naked and felt no shame

Cursed be the ground
For your sake
You’ll work till
Your back breaks

You’ll have thorns
‘stead of Sweet herbs
(from) dust you came
And to dust you’ll return

Now the
Serpent was the more cunning than any beast of the field
And he said to woman, has God indeed revealed
Every tree of the garden you aren’t free to try
She said every tree but one, if we eat it, we’ll surely die

Then the serpent told Eve a lie
If you eat you won’t surely die
God knows that in the day you eat
It will open your eyes (Like God on High)

So she saw it pleasant to her eyes
Desirable to make one wise
So she took its fruit and ate
And to her Husband she gave.

Cursed be the ground
For your sake
You’ll work ‘till
Your back breaks

You’ll have thorns
‘stead of Sweet herbs
From dust you came
And to dust you will return

God said,
To the serpent “‘cause of this,
You’re cursed more than all cattle,
All the days of your life, you’ll eat dust
And you shall go
On your belly
I’ll put enmity
Between your seed and hers, He’ll
Crush your head, and you’ll bruise his Heel“

Cursed be the ground
For your sake
You’ll work ‘till
Your back breaks

You’ll have thorns
‘stead of Sweet herbs
From dust you came
And to dust you will return

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