Nun Gives Dire Prediction: Evil is Upon Us! We Will Soon Experience What We've Never Imagined!

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Nun Gives Dire Prediction: Evil is Upon Us! We Will Soon Experience What We've Never Imagined![mirrored]

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Nun Gives Dire Prediction: Evil is Upon Us! We Will Soon Experience What We've Never Imagined!
Premiered Oct 11, 2021
Mother & Refuge of the End Times
Sister gives a grave warning on October the 8th, 2021. Now is time to receive Jesus! We have no more time before great persecution arrives. Full video:

Sister Mariam is a wonderful person and is quite intuitive to our true reality, however I do not lean whatsoever to fear. Trust in God’s word and Jesus himself.

“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18

All my research and prayer has led me to the conclusion that there are two timelines quantumly entangled at the same time. One negative and one position. God has collapsed the timelines in preparation for the end times harvest. Obviously, a polarization has occurred with the tares among the wheat in all aspects of our global society.

The controlling demonic leadership think they are still winning against humanity and fight for total control. Everyone of the cabal’s deeds is deceitful and everything that comes from their mouth is a lie. For Satan is the father of all lies. No human being has the capability to harm children to the extent these evil entities have done and are planning. Only humans who have sunken to the level of selling their soul and possessed for counterfeit fame, power and money that are now cut-off from the source of our creator God can think evil to this extent.

Good news and bad news for the positive timeline. Do not be afraid, not a hair on your head will be touched, but a certain percentage of the world will have to suffer before things improve. There is no bad news for the positive timeline (will of God for the salvation of man), it’s all bad news is on the negative timeline.

When judgement falls onto the negative timeline, there will be no escape. Too late to beg for forgiveness or repentance. Those doomed would be already too arrogant, selfish and egotistic to seek repentance because eyes have been blinded and their hearts hardened. For no love or concept of love exists in their being and now cut-off from God for all eternity. It wasn’t God’s will for these people, it was all from free-will and caused by their own decisions.

These evil demonic(s) have tried everything to hold power over us including manipulating time. Time cannot change, it can only be manipulated. Every time they try manipulating time through satanic rituals and Military Industrial Complex technology, residual Mandela Effects are the result. This goes against God’s natural law and the end game of the evil cabal will be realized as they will get their negative timeline of Armageddon (Judgement), for God honors freewill.

The positive timeline (God’s people) and the bride of Christ will see the new heaven and the new earth. Remember, the only control the cabal has over us is “fear”. The “fear” tactic used during this COVID-19 pandemic is failing as more people wake up and with suffering people can now see reality for what it is. For sometimes people have to be shown before they wake up to the reality they are in. Unfortunately, pain is the result, however not as bad as the true pain going to be now inflected onto the cabal through their own doing. Marcum

“Humble yourselves, then, under God’s mighty hand, so that he will lift you up in his own good time. Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

I have unbounded strength to sing praise to our Lord, but my heart is too broken to adequately express my love and concern in my voice to these forgotten children in this recent must-see video.
I hope my rendition and interpretation of the song, “Your Love” gives adequate justice. Please watch, listen and share the information in the video and related red-pill information from My Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill playlist. Marcum

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