CCFR Sidebar Dec 3,2021

3 years ago

Rod answers questions from commenters.

Darren MANNING at 1:51
Can anyone tell me what's going on with air guns in all this??? Great video CCFR...please keep up the good work...

MrClassiness at 5:19
Has the CCFR ever done anything?

Liberty In Peril at 9:43
So sorry, but this approach to liberty has run aground - it's over for selecting parties and praying for certain politicians to actually observe the rights of free people, because they won't and they will never get elected. This has been and is now a struggle to change the way we are governed - not the government itself through elections. It will take courage, unity and a show of force if necessary to declare a new state of existence in Canada. Time has already run out.

Can you do a show on UN sustainable development agree Canada is signed on to? Please don’t forget to include Erin O’toole ‘s connections through Mr. Salomon. Can you also explain why a population should be armed in your humble opinion.

Brian Roome
We need to expand our firearms rights and quit being defensive!

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