Voting Rights Under Attack (From the Left) | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

Voting Rights Under Attack (From the Left) | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Hans Von Spakovsky - Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow, and Author of the new book "Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote" ( )
1) Hans discusses his book and the need to have secure elections
2) Why Democrats are lying to their base and pushing Voting Rights Legislation which cannot get 60 Votes in the Senate
3) Explain cleaning up Voter Rolls
4) Why is Voter ID such a Hot Button Issue for Democrats and a Common Sense Approach among Republicans?
5) The Value and Framework of the Electoral College versus the movement toward Popular Vote replacing the current system
6) Have State Legislatures taken enough steps to correct the errors that occurred during the 2020 "Pandemic Election"...i.e. Mail-in Ballots
*Courts not Legislatures changing Voting Laws
7) Redistricting and Gerrymandering maps to protect Incumbents by redrawing districts
8) Hispanic Voters Shift toward GOP and the Split is now even at 37% Each

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