MEPs Press Conference - Part 1 - Speech Reversal

3 years ago



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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

Below are the reversals I have found in this video:

R01: Wash it, slug. Search sin.
R = 0:03:11 to 0:03:12

R02: Knee blow, with lie.
R = 0:03:45 to 0:03:46

R03: Her sheep.
R = 0:04:35 to 0:04:36

R04: Keep still.
R = 0:05:18 to 0:05:19

R05: Sue your slow muck.
R = 0:05:52 to 0:05:53

R06: Of a dark face.
R = 0:06:46 to 0:06:47

R07: Now we wish the asses followed.
R = 0:08:03 to 0:08:03

R08: Sue the Roman.
R = 0:11:48 to 0:11:48

R09: Shoot this talk.
R = 0:11:44 to 0:12:45

R10: They defeat this here.
R = 0:13:23 to 0:13:23

R11: Muck a system.
R = 0:13:35 to 0:13:35

R12: I knew it.
R = 0:13:31 to 0:13:32

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