Using a yacht to escape Australia

3 years ago

Using a yacht to escape Australia. Madness.

It certainly is not advisable, but for some, it will be an option that they consider. The very fact that some will be driven to the point of considering this measure proves that we really are in crazy times.

As an investment, yachts are depreciating assets that cost a lot of money to maintain in the long run. Houses too are depreciating assets because they require constant maintenance. Land is an appreciating asset, the only problem is, it is not movable. This is the problem.

PT Five Flags tries to construct a solution to this problem. When considered and implemented, it is very handy. But time to implement the PT Five Flags may be over, with borders closing and restrictions coming into effect.

A good rule of thumb for yachts is roughly 10% of the value of the yacht on maintenance and repairs on an annual basis. If you can afford this and it seems reasonable to you, it may give you the options you are looking for. If it seems expensive, another route may be better.

We considered a yacht out of desperation to leave, but trust me, it was an absolute last measure. Bouncing around on the open ocean for weeks on end did not appeal to me at all.

Remember, the bigger the boat the more comfortable it will be.

Yachts are not sound investments and are not for the faint-hearted. They require a little skill and patience. But if you have exhausted all your options, it may be something you consider.

There are lots of channels on Youtube that journal about their adventures sailing the world on a yacht. One of our favourites is Sailing Nohoa

Please don't buy a yacht decide it's not for you and then blame me.

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