Billy Brujo | Sorcery, Knives and Love Potions | EODR 28

7 years ago

Billy Brujo is a world class Magician, Sorcerer and Witch Doctor who specializes in high class fortune telling and spell crafting. He is a teacher of all things magick and occultish.

Billy talks about his background a bit as a student of production which led him into creating a very unique youtube show that gives easy to understand and realistic instruction in magick related matters such as preparing ingredients you need for spells. Daniel asks Billy about his rather unique makeup that he wears in his videos.

Billy then explains one of his favourite shows he has done which explains the magicians four weapons, Billy goes very in depth and helps us understand why a magician would use a wand, a knife and so on. Daniel asks about Billy's spiritual beliefs as well as many other questions related to magick and the occult.

After the break Daniel comes back and reads some fan letters before getting a call from Wolfman Mike. They talk about flat earth a bit which leads to a somewhat heated and confusing debate which ends in talk about the sun being conscious. Another caller named Willy calls in to challenge Wolfman and Daniel about their fringe beliefs.

Daniel also discusses a few other topics including the Bachelor in Paradise cancellation scandal. Todd calls in at the very end to discuss a few magick related topics.

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