Drunk man on plane nearly strangled his neighbor on Magadan-Novosibirsk flight | Fight on board

3 years ago

During the flight Magadan - Novosibirsk, people watched the ugly behavior of one of the passengers.
First, the man behaved restlessly, changing from place to place, waving his jacket, and then began to strangle his neighbor.

The eyewitness twisted the brawler and handed him over to the crew. Passengers reported that the man had been using drugs before the accident.

The man was removed from the plane at the Tolmachevo airport, the city of Novosibirsk. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk.
According to her, the crew members contacted the police, asking for help in connection with the inappropriate behavior of one of the passengers.

Police officers who arrived at the landing site of the liner found that during the flight the man was grabbing passengers and people sitting in front by their clothes.
kicked the seats, performed other abrupt actions that threaten passengers.

The transport police detained the offender and took him to the police station, ”said Irina Volk.
The administrative protocol was drawn up in relation to the brawler.

Now he can be punished for inappropriate behavior with a fine of up to half a million rubles, or he faces administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

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