Motorcycle Metal Tank Cleaning

3 years ago

Here we have a vintage 1972 Kawasaki F7 (175cc) Metal motorcycle tank. It was pretty rusty inside.
Instead of standing around for 2 hours shaking a tank.
(I had better things to do).
I came up with a simple solution.
laugh if you will, however, its very effective.
I use a few dull pieces of metal, and a very small light chain that was about 4 inches in length.
I added one full gallon of white vinegar.
I hooked up the tiller to the old stump (shown on left) with tie down straps, and use a block of wood for a wheel chock.
I used a rubber glove duct taped to the fuel tap (remove tap) and the fuel filler on top.
I used a towel and tie down straps so the tank could rest on the outer side of the tiller tine..
I fired up the tiller, and walked away.

How do you clean your tanks?

It tumbled for a couple hours, and looked great.
I rinsed out the tank with straight water, shook it al around, and when the water ran clear, I put in a bottle of "dry gas" (alcohol) and sloshed it all around in the tank, and simply left it there.
When It was time to fire up the bike, I drained the dry gas, and filled up the tank, and added a fuel filter.

The bike starts on the first kick every time.
Be lazy! Be creative!

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