Wayne Smith, The Man Exposing The Midazolam Mass Murder, Has Been Martyred By The Deep State

2 years ago

Smith's father had been murdered with a lethal dose of Midazolam administered by a NHS nurse who quickly disappeared without trace, and ever since he's been a tireless crusader exposing the Covid-Crime Against Humanity. Midazolam is the same chemical that the United States uses to execute death-row criminals, and that hospitals and old age care homes around the world have been using to cull the elderly while blaming it on "Covid".

The authorities are saying that Wayne Smith himself died of Covid, but close friends are extremely skeptical about this claim, and believe that he was murdered because he was working on a documentary that would have exposed the Midazolam mass murder committed by the government.

Smith would not have gotten a Covid-Test as he was fully awake to the Scamdemic and the only reason Covid was listed as the cause of death was due to a PCR test being administered after he was already dead.

After Smith's death, some very incriminating things were happening with his social media, including private messages being erased, posts being deleted, and other very fishy occurrences that point Big-Tech being complicit in covering up evidence of homicide.

To learn more about this hero and what happened to him, please visit the link provided, where you will find a very informative tribute to Wayne Smith by Jacqui Deevoy


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