The Attack on the Economy - Inflation, Supply-Chain Shortages, Climate, Debt

3 years ago

As recently revealed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that prices rose 6.2 percent on a year-over-year basis in October. The highest YOY rate since December 1990, when the Consumer Price Index was also up 6.2 percent.

The Producer Price Index for commodities in October was up 22.2 percent year over year, reaching a forty-eight-year high. In addition to the Consumer Price Index’s thirty-one-year high, home prices in the second quarter surged to near a forty-two-year high.

Meanwhile, average real weekly earnings have turned negative this year, as Americans struggle to afford basic necessities.

Yet, None of these stark economic realities kept Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen from goading on the race to the bottom.

And no one bats an eye. As Janet Yellen, agent provocateur of Klaus Schwabs Great Reset and The CFR’s Chinese Century steer America off a cliff.

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