Russian army Syria | The Russian army is changing the Middle East

3 years ago

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Армия России в Сирии. Россия меняет Ближний Восток | Russian army Syria. Save the world | الجيش الروسي سوريا

Recently, Syria was called the pearl of the Middle East, and in terms of potential, Syria was a country on the level of the UAE, and no one could have thought that all this would collapse at one moment when tens and hundreds of thousands of terrorists flooded into the country.

Despite the fact that NATO countries allegedly fought with militants in Syria, in fact, in a few years they captured about 95% of the territory of this country. Maybe the Western countries did not plan to fight them, but on the contrary, this is their creation for geopolitical experiments in the Middle East. Before the Syrian leader turned to the Russian army for help, his capital was surrounded by militants, and a little more and Syria would have fallen. But on behalf of Vladimir Putin, the Russian army joined the fight against terrorists in Syria, and completely changed the plans of the West in the Middle East. Now more than 92% of the territory of Syria is under the control of the legitimately elected government.

More recently, in Western newspapers and online publications, they laughed at the Russian Army, saying that everything is rusty there, nothing flies, and does not shoot. But the anti-terrorist company has shown that the Russian army is at the highest level, and was able to achieve military results in less time and with modest resources ten times more effectively than a dozen NATO countries led by the United States.

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