IGP9 00253 - Podcast 12-7-21 - Stoney Mike Penney Al Putnam Dave Net4TruthUSA

3 years ago

Both Stoney Stone and I have dissociated ourselves from PPN, Mike Penney, Negative 48 and others due to a 5-day, non-stop campaign of hate and false information they have posted on their channels about us. See videos about this here:

Janus-Faced Appointment - the FAKE POTUS in the Make-Believe White House, head of a bankrupt slave corporation.

Our Podcast reveals some really interesting facts, and reveal that the Take-Down of the Cabal is really happening behind the scenes. Stoney and I do a follow-up late night video where we play a full-length documentary that will bring a smile to your face (if you're a Patriot, that is).

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