Our Secret Weapon For Shorting Stocks!

3 years ago

Get it here! - http://www.stockchartstrading.com/indicators

Forget the moving average, try this stock indicator on for size!

We've collaborated with a software developer to bring a POWERFUL new indicator to the thinkorswim platform. this stock indicator is a better alternative to patterns, like the moving average, which can give false, or premature entry signals.

Thinkorswim has been innovating the trading world for well over a decade. Thinkorswim is ahead of the curve when it comes to technology . Thinkorswim is built for success and we want to show you how. Through years of technical analysis trading, and now coaching, we pointed our efforts in the direction of a new stock market indicator that we think is great... I wanted to bring it to Thinkorswim so all traders can benefit from it!

#stockmarket #stockindicators #movingaverage

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