Life of Elvis Podcast Ep.3 Pt.2: The Art of Expressive Living with Marni Ratner

3 years ago

Welcome back to the Life Of Elvis Podcast!
In episode 3 I interview Marni Ratner, who is a voice teacher and a breathwork coach. She is also an intuitive and creative spirit, a friend, teacher, empath, multidisciplinary energy worker, big time dreamer, bonafide goofball, and a fellow human traveler.

I must say, without any exaggeration, that this was one of the most impactful conversations of my entire life. It ended up very personal, as we discussed, amongst other things, the generational trauma in my family, the life and passing of my father, as well as my own trauma. Marni managed to blow my mind mutiple times over the course of this podcast. In other instances, she expressed what I somewhere deep down already knew in such a way, that it completely changed my perspective on the given topic/events.

Due to technical difficulties we wound up recording this podcast in two parts over the course of two days. Hence it will be released in two one hour long parts.

I hope you find at least as much value in this discussion as I did.

You can find Marni below:

Thank you for tuning in!

You can find all relevant links to my book "Ascension: A Psychedelic Sci-Fi Novel" here Both paperback and ebook versions are available.

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