Today If you are not a druggy or admitted in the addiction centers Thank the Charyapada Of Hinduism!

2 years ago

One of the most beautiful thing in the Hindu ecosystem our lifestyle transmits the knowledge. There is no separate Sunday schools in Hinduism to teach religion. You won't find a separate Gita classes for the kids and youth to transmit the Hindu knowledge but your mother will tell you every morning when you wake up what you are supposed to do as per Hindu tradition. When you eat what you are supposed to do. When you sleep what you are supposed to do. Your whole life just through the tight knit family network the knowledge transmission happens.
Charya Lifestyle! Is the first and most powerful ingredient of the Hindu ecosystem. I want all Hindus please wake up don't take for granted what you got from your grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, mom, dad don't take it for granted. Today if you are not a druggy if you are not admitted in the addiction centers if you are intelligent contributing healthy human being thank the Charyapada lifestyle you inherited as a heritage from your ancestors, elders. Every good thing you have is from Hindu Charyapada lifestyle.
If you have a health please be very clear it's because the food eating habits the lifestyle related to food you got from your parents elders. Charyapada is the first and foremost component of the Hindu Ecosystem. Whether you apply Bhasma or Urdhwa Pundra as per the community family in which you are born or the Tilak or Gopi Chandana Charyapada lifestyle You inherit from your family or Guru Parampara.
Sometimes if you don't have a family like Sanyasis Brahmacharis Vanaprasthis, in Hinduism three orders don't have family Sanyasis Brahmacharis Vanaprasthis. All the three orders don't have family. Of course there were some more orders the sub-sect internal orders among the Brahmacharis Sanyasis & Vanaprasthis. We had the tradition of Bhairavis Yoginis Rudrakanyas even they all don't have family. If you don't have family the Charyapada lifestyle you learn from your Guru Parampara that is the Charyapada for you the lifestyle Charyapada you receive from your family or from your Guru parampara that is the most important ingredient of Hindu ecosystem.

Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JagatGuru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam #Kailasa #HinduNation

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