The Rise Of Penicillin: The Downfall Of Man: We Turned To Vaccines Not God When We Got Sick...

3 years ago

Penicillin Tricked Us All when Shatan lied to the people about its effects. NO Body Got Saved, You got the Placebo effect at Its most powerful in history. This was to serve the enemies of God The Baby Killers The Demon-Rats destroying the World now. They have the oil Pharmaceuticals Now And God tricks them into shutting down the carbon and global warming because of their own power oil. In them, he put a stop-loss system for the World Against their lunacy policies... To show how evil and stupid they are, so we the plebes can see their evil clearly and steer clear...
We get on our hands and knees and ask God what we did wrong. He is faithful and will tell us...As He Has For Me These many (23) years now.
Ismael's pharmaceuticals weaken the cells so they get every illness in the bloodstream.

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