Incredible speech! Senator Rand Paul on America's unlimited, unconstitutional wars (NDAA/AUMF)(Full)

7 years ago

12 September 2017.
This speech should be seen by all Americans.

Rand Paul's speech (in full) in The Senate on the the Defense Authorization bill (NDAA and AUMF) on Tuesday 12th September, 2017.

(Apologies for the little buffer periods throughout, nothing I could do unfortunately).

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"Does anybody in America think that the war in Yemen is in our vital interest? Most people don't know where Yemen is, much [less] think it's in our vital interest."

"If you think we should be at war with Afghanistan, vote for it," he said. "If you think we should be at war in Yemen, come down to the floor and vote for it."

"What does everybody do? Pass the buck. Let the president do it. Let the president take the blame if things don't go so well. We should vote," Paul said.

He said most senators would vote down his amendment, which Paul said is the same as saying, "We don't want any responsibility."

"My vote is on whether or not we should vote on whether we should be at war. So for those who oppose my vote, they oppose the Constitution," he said. "They oppose obeying the Constitution, which says we are supposed to vote."

"They're going to say, 'No, I refuse to vote on any of these wars,'" Paul concluded.

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Julian Assange describes it as "Astounding, historic speech by Senator @RandPaul right now in the US Senate on Iraq, Libya, Saudi, ISIS, Syria"

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Sen. Rand Paul said that any senator who opposes his amendment to sunset America's current war authority and approve new ones before continuing U.S. military efforts overseas opposes the language already written in the Constitution.

His amendment would sunset two AUMFs that he and others say are being used improperly to fight wars against terrorism all around the globe.

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