39- Update [mirrored]

3 years ago

39- Update [mirrored]
Thirty- ninth video clip from my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list. Digging Deeper.

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First published at 17:23 UTC on September 19th, 2021.
important from 15:45 mark.....

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
I am not only directing this information channel towards my follow Catholics or Christians in unity with our Lord Jesus Christ, but for anyone who wishes to expand their awareness of what is actually going on in our real world around us. The Main Stream Media (MSM) is all left-wing propaganda and extremely deceptive with a hidden agenda. We are in a spiritual warfare and at war for humanity. We all need to wake up to what is actually going on before all our freedoms are stripped away.

Why the push for this “Fauci-Ouchie” and masks that are proven to give no protection? If anything, it is the vaccine that is causing the harm, yet more than ever the jab is being pushed even more.

As of September 2021, in the United States with the population of 330,917,584 (Million), total Covid-19 cases: 3,236,130 with total deaths of 134,572. Less than 1% of Americans have caught COVID-19. Current survival rate is 99.96% of the U.S. population. Why the push for the jab?

As of September 2021, world population of 7,800,000,000 (Billion), total Covid-19 cases: 12,946,731 with total deaths of 569,375. Less than one percent (0.17%) has caught COVID-19. Current survival rate is 99.99% of the global population. Why the push for the jab?

The FDA did recently approve a version of the Covid vaccine, but it is not yet available, and the government is not required to take any liability towards the experimental version of the jab being pushed presently or towards any vaccine injuries. How would I respond? Hence, my top 40 red-pill list through social media links. That is why I feel that the time is now to finally step out and try to reach some people through a video channel. People have to wake up, not only for their own good, but for our children. Evil cannot exist in the light nor can lies or deception exist in the light of truth. We are to shine brightly and to be the salt of the earth.

The red-pill to know what is truly going on is hard to swallow, but necessary. Don’t be caught off guard when everything is finally exposed. The choice to know is yours, but better to be psychologically, emotionally and spiritually prepared. Watching both video links below (Shadow Gate and Out of Shadows Documentary) would be really helpful to help understand what is going on related to these topics.
Thank you and God bless, Marcum

Also, please checkout the following links, both heavily censored for being the truth.

-SHADOW GATE – FULL FILM by Millie Weaver – 2020
Banned from Youtube – watch version from below link


-Rebel News - INTERVIEW: Dr. Byram Bridle, leading viral immunologist and vaccinologist on COVID-19 vaccines
In this exclusive interview with Dr. Bridle, we discuss his concerns around this never-before-seen technology being injected en masse into Canadians.
• By Tamara Ugolini
• September 24, 2021

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